African Americans have been told lie after lie by the democratic party, and many of these lies have been killed by the truth. There are so many examples of this, that you might start to question yourself: what is it about the Democratic Party that makes it such a great liar? The answer to this question is simple, and will hopefully be more clear as you read on.

The Democratic Party tends to focus on certain types of lies. These types include, but are not limited to:

  1. The lie that they are the party that cares about African Americans, is the most common one and is almost exclusively used.
  2. The lie that all of the other parties (the GOP in particular) do not care about African Americans, or hate African Americans in particular.
  3. The lie that they have “always been there” for African Americans since the time of slavery, or almost always at least.
  4. The lie that they have never done anything bad to African Americans.
  5. The lie that they can always be trusted by African Americans.
  6. The lie that there is no other way for African Americans to have their voices heard.
  7. The lie (or half truth) that all of their policies are directed at improving the life of African Americans, and that the Democratic Party has always been fighting for them against the GOP, ever since it was founded in 1848, and always will be.

Of course, none of these lies are true and easily fall apart when looked at with any type of scrutiny. The following is a shortlist of facts that prove this.

The fact that the Democratic Party is NOT the Party that Cares about African Americans
While every American party has had its slip-ups when it comes to African Americans, the GOP has by far had fewer bad moments, and those moments have not been nearly as blatant as those of the Democratic Party. It is important to note, however, that even if a party has had blatant wrongs done against African Americans in the past, their present-day policies speak much louder than their past ones because they show where they stand today.

The Democratic Party has done nothing to eliminate racist ideologies, and in fact, knows that racism exists in America and uses it to their advantage. The Democratic Party uses voter fraud as a way to win elections. This is not only immoral but illegal, so why do they do it? Because there is no possible way for them to lose if they do win an election with voter fraud…

The Democratic Party has been proven time and time again to be the party of slavery, something that the Republican Party was founded on opposing.  History repeats itself, but how are American citizens supposed to stop it?


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