Everybody my name is John Fischer, welcome to So as we’re getting close to the election I want to spend some time with you guys and I want to address certain things. I want to talk about why you should leave the Democratic Party. Number one I created because I wanted to go ahead and introduce you to my awakening. See I woke also I’m a nice Jewish boy from Brooklyn when you’re Jewish you know it’s kind of like you know you’re a democrat I mean it’s kind of like something you grew up with. On top of that you know when Obama was elected I said to myself what a great country man if we could elect a black man and I voted for him the first time. I got to tell you I mean I was proud to be an American I was you know so happy he was in power and finally the black people going to get a break and he was going to really do the right thing and take care of his brothers and sisters and after the first term I said man you know give him one more chance.
You know give him like the second term let him finish what he started he didn’t get a chance to finish what he started and towards the end when he started uh giving Netanyahu the cold shoulder I started seeing all the you know Muslims being infiltrated I saw his Muslim side and I started towards the end of his fourth you know his second four years I got totally disgusted. This is another reason you should leave the Democratic Party. and said to myself my god what have I done what have I done so I want you to follow my story because I’m never going to tell you to do something without doing it myself. You know it’s like that’s what it is for me it’s experience and I have enough data to convince you to get the hell out of that democratic party it’s ridiculous okay but if we back up I woke and by the way I hijack their woke. You know they’re well everything their narrative is just all I mean it’s like I was talking to a person yesterday and I was like well you know the republicans and the democrats switched yeah I know there were confederates and I know they were the plantation owners and they bought the slaves from the Muslims from Africa and brought him over.
Then the democrats and the republicans switched and then the what do you mean switched would have been flipped all of a sudden the republicans that just voted for your emancipation voted 13 14 15 amendment 100 voted to free slaves and the confederates didn’t the democrats did not and what somebody threw a flip a switch and guess what now they’re knocking down the statues. Now the confederate flag is no longer available you know they want to erase all that and that’s cunning and that’s what kind of scumbags these people are.
My brothers and sisters you guys got to smarten the up I mean please I know there’s some people and by the way I was ignorant I really did not know about politics. What did I know about politics and little by little you know I was surrounded by republicans and my the cigar club I used to go to they beat the crap out of me man that night that that Obama won it was like they hated me they hated my guts. You know and I just thought they were racist I said well you just don’t like him because you’re racist and then little by little even though I was getting beat up all the time I looked at the facts and that’s what it’s all about it’s the facts.
These democrats have been pulling the wool over your eyes I mean I’m going to go through a lot of information for you so this is kind of like the beginning but let me tell you I’m passionate about this I’m intense about this and I got to tell you man you take a look at something. I love Candace I mean Candace Owens is my hero she gave a whipping to Cardi B, she is one dumb bitch okay all she’s good for is shaking her ass she’s an ugly bitch you got to put a lot of makeup on but the bottom line is 70 million viewers. That’s a lot of freaking people and they’re so dumb when you ask a person like that what’s up they go well I hate trump why because he’s a racist and because he hates gay people and he blah blah blah blah blah and they don’t have the ability to even go to you can’t even go to google because google hides everything but to go and take a look at what’s real and no and what’s not real you know.
I understand the confusion but you know what I’ve gone to a point in my life where I can’t handle the ignorance anymore I just can’t handle the ignorance so if you’re ignorant I’ll give up don’t take it personal I was ignorant also but you need to smarten the fuck up because you know what these guys don’t need you except for election time 22.5 million babies killed genocide they’re wiping you guys out and they wanted the borders open to bring the Latin people in because once they had enough they don’t need you guys no more. Like I said once, and I will say it as many times as I have to, it is time to leave the Democratic Party.
What’s going on in all the blue cities black lives matter don’t even get me started with black lives matter okay false narrative all the way from hands up don’t shoot that’s total that never happened. Anyway I’m going to go ahead and wrap up this video and we’ll do some other videos but I’m just gone pretty much spill my guts we got a little bit less than 60 days and I’m going to try to reach out to as many of my brothers and sisters out there as I can. By the way you see this hat you get one of these bad boys for free if you call me up you see that walk away and then it’s got black tide that’s the logo I designed you heard about the red tide you heard about the blue tide those two you guys are the black tide you guys got the power you got the power to change this. It is time to wake up and leave the Democratic Party.


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